(860) - 884 - 5800


6639 Trail Side Dr
Flowery Branch, Georgia 30542


We, on behalf of the AABPS Executive Committee cordially invite you to 6th American Association of Bangladeshi Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Convention on Saturday, October 8, 2022 at Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards,| 110 South Eutaw Street | Baltimore MD 21201.

The upcoming event will mark the renewal of our on-site Convention after a 3-year interruption due to the pandemic.  We are delighted to have the opportunity to see everyone face-to-face and renew and refresh our professional and social networks and relationships.

The theme of this year’s Convention is Access to Affordable Medicine.  Unlike previous conventions where we offered a loaded speaker panel of lectures and presentations, this year we plan to have fewer presentations and more panel discussions to encourage audience participation, feedback and engagement.  We also lightened the Convention to a One-Day event to reduce the burden and cost to paticipants

We are pleased to announce the creation of a Young Scientists Stimulus Fund (YSSF) and an enhanced website which we will roll out at the Convention.  At this year’s convention we will celebrate our legacy and honor the AABPS founding members who selflessly invested their time, treasure and talent over the past several decades to offer services to promote the growth and development of rising American Bangladeshi Pharmaceutical Scientists.  We also recognize that the AABPS needs to change and evolve to serve the emerging needs of our members and our rising scientists in the post-pandemic world.  Accordingly, we have planned a special session called “Refreshing and Reframing AABPS to Address the Emerging Needs of Rising Scientists and Young Scholars in Pharmaceutical Sciences”.  Your presence and participation as stakeholders will be immensely useful and appreciated.


Event Highlights:

  • Convention theme “Access to Affordable Medicine.
  • Young Scientists Stimulus Fund (YSSF)
  • Enhanced website roll out.
  • Celebration of legacy AABPS
  • Honor the AABPS founding members
  • Special session: “Refreshing and Reframing AABPS to Address the Emerging Needs of Rising Scientists and Young Scholars in Pharmaceutical Sciences”. 
  • Cultural Show by renowned artist (Ex-Soles band artist)  
  • Raffle Draw Prize
  • Student Poster Award


AABPS is a not-for-profit, voluntary education association that has been granted tax exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) under federal Tax ID: 74-3223853. Contributions to AABPS may qualify for federal tax exemption.

Thank you.


Imran Ahmed, Ph.D. PMP Lasker S Lasker, Ph.D.
President, AABPS General Secretary, AABPS
Convener Co-Convener
Executive Director and Head of Research & Development Sr. Scientist II
American Regent, A Daichi Sankyo Group Company United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
6610 New Albany Road East, New Albany, OH 43054 Rockville, MD